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Disneyland Paris

#DisneylandparisI love Disneyland! I really do and I’m not embarrassed to admit it! There’s a reason they call it the Happiest Place On Earth! Lucky for me, we’ve often (okay too many times to count) had the good fortune to visit the parks in Southern California as well as a one time visit to Walt Disney World, but I’d always wondered what it would be like to visit an international Disney park.

A few years ago during a trip to Paris my wish came true! Not only did we get to visit Disneyland Paris, but it happened to be the Park’s 20th anniversary while we were there, so that was an added bonus!

Getting There:

Disneyland Paris is located about 20 miles from Paris and is easily accessible from the city by train, car, shuttle bus and express train. All of these options are listed on the Disneyland Paris website.


Considering we had only one incredibly rainy day to spend at the park I was surprised at how much we were able to see. Though at first look everything seemed somewhat familiar there are definitely differences.

The first and most obvious difference is that many of the rides have French names and a lot of the signage is also in French. However, it’s important to note, that even though we don’t speak French this didn’t impact our visit in any way!

Due to its more northern location the weather isn’t as sunny or hot as the Original Disneyland. The rainy weather and forest like environment reminded me a lot of Seattle. The  cooler weather and lack of palm trees wasn’t a negative, but it definitely gave the park a unique feel when compared to Walt Disney World and Disneyland in SoCal which are both located in warm weather locations.

One of the things I’ve always loved about Disneyland is its ability to appeal to people of all ages and though there were quite a few family friendly attractions I did feel that some of the rides were a little more intense than their counterparts in the Original Disneyland Park.


Similar to other Disney properties, Disneyland Paris has multiple parks. Disneyland Park featuring Fantasy Land, Main Street, Discovery Land, Adventure Land and Frontier land and Walt Disney Studios Park featuring Toon Studio, Front Lot, Production Courtyard, and Back Lot.

Alice’s Curious Labyrinth: Follow in the Footsteps of Alice


Casey Jr. – le Petit Train du Cirque


It’s a Small World


La Galerie de la Belle au Bois Dormant


Sleeping Beauty Castle & La Tanière du Dragon: a Fallen Legend


Phantom Manor

Pirates of the Caribbean


Space Mountain: Mission 2: Recharged to Fire You Even Further

Big Thunder Mountain: The Wildest Ride in the West

Toon Studio


We had a lovely day at the park and I’m glad we went, but for now I think I’ll stick with the original Disneyland, it’s a little closer to home!


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