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Faraway Files #65

FARAWAY FILES #65 A Travel Blogging Community

Its time for another edition of Faraway Files, and I don’t know about you, but I could use some inspiration. It’s that time of the year when the winter holidays are starting to feel like a distant memory, spring break is still a month off (still not sure what we’re doing), and don’t even get me started about summer, which seems so far in the future it’s almost out of reach.

Skyline Midtown Atlanta as seen from Piedmont Park 

Don’t mind me, after two amazing trips, in as many months, I might be suffering from a bit of post trip disorder? You know, that feeling you get when you’ve just been somewhere great, and now you’ve been forced to return to reality.

Purple Rain Karl Addison & Jarus

What better way to break up the monotony of day to day routine than a trip to somewhere new? I recently visited Atlanta, Georgia for the first time, and I’m excited to share some of my adventures with you on this week’s link up. Honestly, I had no idea Atlanta had so much to offer, so stay tuned for future posts as well!

Erin’s favorites from last week were:

Shades of Courage – Visiting Europe’s Largest Urban Farm

In Search Ofs – Viarregio Italy Carnival 

Smudged Postcard – Italian Beach Holiday in Grottammare

What about you? Are you in need of some inspiration? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

Welcome to Faraway Files, the travel link up hosted by Erin from Oregon Girl around the World, Katy from Untold Morsels, Corey from Fifi + Hop, Hilary from Hilarystyle and Clare from Suitcases and Sandcastles

This is the place to link up your travel posts every Thursday. Faraway Files is a weekly file of the best travel ideas on the web. We want to dream of faraway places, to make new travel plans and share our travel secrets. Inspire us to travel to places we’ve never considered before or revisit a place we thought we knew. We know that you can feel faraway even when you’re close to home so share your experiences of travels near and far wherever you are in the world.

We love our link up and the supportive community we’ve created. If you join in, please reciprocate and comment on the hosts’ posts as well as any others that take your eye. If we see a pattern of people not joining in, we have decided that it’s fairest to all of us to remove the links of those posters.

So let’s inspire and share each other’s posts. We’ll try to read and comment on every post and we’ll share them on social media too. Each week we’ll choose our favourites and highlight them on our blogs and social media channels using #FarawayFiles.

How it works:


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