Fort Lauderdale Beach

My family spends a lot of time at the beach, but that doesn’t stop us from wanting more, and in fact when considering travel destinations coastal or waterside places are usually higher on the list. My personal favorite beach activity is sunset viewing, I love watching as the last moments of the day slip under the sea, often in a vibrant explosion of reds, pinks, oranges and yellows.

Santa Monica Beach Los
Santa Monica Beach

Of course when visiting destinations to the East the process is reversed, which is how I found myself on the beach in Fort Lauderdale at literally the crack of dawn. Watching as the sun rose up out of the ocean…

Fort Lauderdale Florida
Harbor Beach Fort Lauderdale

These peaceful mornings at the beach were a great way to start my days during my time in South Florida where the majority of my time was spent pursing and viewing as much art as I could fit into three short days.

Fort Lauderdale Florida
Fort Lauderdale Florida
Fort Lauderdale Florida
Fort Lauderdale Florida
Fort Lauderdale Florida
Harbor Beach Fort Lauderdale

Lifeguard towers are a favorite photo subject of mine, so the next morning I ventured a little further in the hopes of finding some…

Fort Lauderdale Florida
South Beach Park
Fort Lauderdale Florida
South Beach Park

Do you have a happy place? A favorite subject you seek out to photograph when traveling? What are your favorite ways to find peaceful moments when life gets busy?

Harbor Beach Ft Lauderdale Florida #ftlauderdale #sunrise
Harbor Beach

You might be interested in reading about some of my other South Florida adventures:

Guide To Art Basel MiamiPhoto Tour: Scenes of Little HavanaOne Day in Miami Beach FloridaExploring the Wynwood Art District

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Fort Lauderdale Beach Florida #Sunrise

37 Replies to “Fort Lauderdale Beach”

  1. Stunning! I have never thought that the lifeguard tower can make such a nice photo 🙂 The sunset is also one of my favourite themes. It’s relaxing and somehow magical.

  2. Those are some great sunrise shots. When I’m travelling, I like to photograph waterfalls. That takes me away from the coast and beaches. I have also taken my share of sunrise and sunset photos.

    1. Thank you! Oh! Waterfalls though beautiful sound challenging. Sunrises do all the work for us don’t they? 😂

  3. Beautiful Photos! I rarely make it up for sunrise, but if I’m staying on a coastline where sunrises are easily visible, I have been known to set the alarm! I would always seek to catch a sunset wherever I visit though.
    There’s no one particular thing I like to photograph when travelling as I have so many interests. Beautiful and unusual architecture will always feature, as well as geological features like stone circles or waterfalls as well as beautiful views!

    1. Thank you! I see sunrise more than I like during our morning school routine, but rarely get to take photos. This was a rare treat.

  4. Your photos are stunning! I always gravitate towards water whenever I’m near it. Sunrises and sunsets are more beautiful on the water, in my opinion. #farawayfiles

  5. I love the photo of Santa Monica Beach.

    I must admit anywhere there is water, seems to relax me. Whether it’s a harbour, a river, lake or the ocean, it’s wonderful. #farawayfiles

  6. I’d give a fair bit to be one that beach right now. You captured some really gorgeous photos of Ft Lauderdale… they might just inspire me to wake up early for sunrise when we’re over there. #FarawayFiles

  7. Your photos captured the colors of sunset brilliantly! I was going to comment on the oranges in the second photo, then I scrolled down and saw the blues of the ocean and the yellows of the last photo. I can’t even choose a favorite — they are all lovely!

    1. I get that. I’ve never been one to lounge on the beach or even swim in the ocean, but I love biking and walking the beach path and of course sunset/sunrise!

    1. Yes, I love flowers and tiles too! I have a whole series of Portuguese tiles I should probably work on sharing at some point.

  8. Lots of beautiful shots here, catching sunsets on the beach are one of our favourite things to do as well. I also like capturing mountains, particularly after along hike – very rewarding.

  9. Gorgeous photos, Hilary! You’ve really got us longing to hit the beach, especially Fort Lauderdale’s beaches! (Not that it’s hard to convince us. 😉 Like your family, we will always happily spend more time on the beach. I’m sure you’ll agree – no matter how long we get to stay there, it’s never enough.

    1. The seaside is always a good idea, isn’t? Wait, do you have lifeguards there? Where do they sit? Fascinating!

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